日本財団 図書館


Such a program is largely influenced by pressure from NGOs. Some companies advance overseas, just because restrictions related to environment are not so strict there. They operate business and degrade the regional environment. They do nothing but earn profits there. Such companies exist in the world. in Europe, ordinary citizens pay attention to these companies. Awareness raising at a citizens' level like this cannot be carried out by a government, even if the government wishes to do so. it is only private organizations that can truly achieve moral and ethical goals.


Okazaki: Since I specialize in international affairs, I always think about state or


government. Meanwhile, NGOs and volunteers have engaged in areas that we cannot cover. Even if their activities are small in scale now, I would say that they will develop to a large extent in the future.
For example, we provide China with gratuitous aid, which will be suspended for political reasons if China conducts a nuclear test. On the other hand, activities by NGOs and volunteers will be continued in China. In the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake for example, if the government had to prepare a budget to provide relief it would have begun too late. Since NGOs had implemented relief activity actually, the government was able to support it immediately. In such ways, NGOs seem to have the potential for covering areas that governments cannot deal with.


Fujita: There are global issues that cannot be covered by existing organizations and systems. Promptness and efficiency of personal initiatives in coping with these problems might form the essence of a civil society, or glocalism.
The word I would like to propose as a step for the future is NGI (Non Government individual).' Though organizations called "NGOs" play an active role now, eventually individuals (I) will come to assume responsibility and take the initiative. Individuals will meticulously make up for niches that a state nor NGOs cannot cover. Social issues that are not covered by Amnesty international and other organizations will be addressed by NGIs. An era of NGIs, when individuals deal with global issues, such as environmental and human rights issues, will come.





